Collapsible Picnic Table

This table design is in using by many Scout groups across North America. Each table can be cut from a single sheet of 3/4" plywood, making it quite economical.

Hot off the Press! - March 2007 Leader magazine article.

When we constructed ours, we used 3/4" sign board (Duraply), the material used for highway signs. This should be completely waterproof. It also has a layer of resin impregnated paper coating each side for a smooth surface. We finished with three coats of oil paint; one primer and two top coats.

For our build process, we constructed templates from 1/4" hardboard. The components roughly cut with a jigsaw, and then routed to the finished size with a 1/4" carbide template bit. This meant that all pieces are the exact same size, so they are all interchangeable. All edges were routed with a roundover bit.

They are the perfect size for Beavers and Cubs, but are a little small for Scouts. Taller gables would make them work better for Scouts. The rest of the components would remain the same.


Click on picture for larger version.

Finished ProductFinished ProductSeat & Top Support Template
Gable TemplateSeat Support & Top TemplateRough Cut Gable & Top Support
Rough Cut Close-upTemplate Close-up


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