Valley Highlands Area: Scouts Canada.                                        May 05






Volume one #7                         Editor: Chris Tyler.                  Email:




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April 29th  May 6th   May 13th       May 20th   May 27th   June 4th                    Sunrise    Moonrise


Editorial… Congratulations to the 3rd Carleton Place for winning the NiteVenture trophy.  A good night was had by all and even the weather cooperated.  My thanks to all he adults who gave up their time and a night’s sleep to give our youth an experience they will long recall.  A reminder to Pakenham that they have to hand in the runner up trophy as soon as possible.


Jim’s little bit of Wisdom… Camping season is upon us, Scouts, take charge, let your leaders know that you want to be out to trying new adventures.  Seek and accept the challenge of braving the out of doors.  Enjoy the experience of the campfire, good friends and nature all around.


Upcoming Events…

June  04 – 6th Camporee.  Theme – “Lord of the Rings”

July  15th –17th  Patrol Leaders Camp – Bass lake. Details to follow.


Useless Trivia…  In July 1984 Readers Digest printed exerps from “A Victorian lady’s Diary.”  In the Diary the lady had written six simple steps to happiness.  They are-

1.        Do something for someone else every day.

2.        Do something for myself every day.

3.        Do something that I do not want to do, that needs doing, daily.

4.        Do some physical exercise, daily.

5.        Do some mental exercise, daily.

6.        Do an original prayer that always includes counting my blessings, daily. 

Even if it’s only a simple, but heartfelt “Thankyou Lord.”


Helen Keller once wrote; “ All the best and most wonderful things in life cannot be touched…They have to be felt”


Marie Curie wrote about life thus; “Life is not easy for any of us.  In spite of it, we must persevere and have confidence in ourselves.  We must believe that our gifts were given to us for some purpose, we must attain that purpose, whatever the price we have to pay for it.” 


This month’s Riddle…  It takes but a moment but the memory of it usually lasts a lifetime.  None are so rich that they can get along without it.  None so poor that they cannot give it away, or be made rich by receiving of it.  It cannot be begged, borrowed or stolen, for it has no value… unless it is given freely away.  What is it? Answer next month

                Answer to last months riddles.  Add the letter P in front off each word and they all make new words.


“A House is made of Walls and Beams; but a Home is made of Love and Dreams.”  William Arthur Ward.

East, west, home’s best.  H.G.Bohn

“The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.”  Ann Landers.


The Argument…  The term Argument is often misused to mean a dispute.  The dictionary describes an argument as – “ a discussion in which there is disagreement and suggests the use of logic and the bringing forth of facts to support or refute a point, Whereas a dispute is basically a contradiction of an assertion and implies vehemence or anger in debate.

                Dale Carnegie wrote in “How to win friends and influence people” a book published by Random House UK ltd.

The following story:

                “At a banquet one night the man seated to my right told me a story in which he used the quotation “There’s a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we may” and attributed the quotation to the Bible.  He was wrong.  And to display my superiority, I corrected him saying, “It’s from Shakespeare” He stuck to his guns…  “From Shakespeare?  Absurd!  That quotation is from the Bible.”  An old friend of mine seated next to me on my Left was a Shakespearean Scholar.  The storyteller and I agreed to submit the question to him.  My Friend listened, kicked me under the table and said “Dale, you are wrong.  The gentleman is right.  It is from the Bible.”

                On our way home that night my friend explained:  “Of course the quotation is from Shakespeare, Dale; but we were guests at a festive occasion.  Why prove to a man that he is wrong?  Is that going to make him like you?  Why not let him save face?  He did not ask for your opinion, so why argue (dispute) with him?”  He went on – “Nine times out of ten an (argument) ends with each of the contestants being more firmly convinced than ever that he is absolutely right.  You cannot win, because even if you win (the argument) you will never again get your opponents goodwill. So few people are convinced by (argument) I will always avoid the acute angle rather than lose a potential friend.”



Find the cricket….  Among the chickens!  Let me know how you get on.


Shrew-ed Kid…  A youngster went with his mother to the local grocery store.  It was cherry season, and the grocer told the lad to reach into one of the huge baskets of cherries and take a handful.  The boy hesitated for a moment and the grocer said “here- let me,” and pulling out a large handful placed them in the boy’s hands.  A little later as they walked home the mother asked the lad why he had hesitated.  “Because his hand was bigger than mine” came the quick and sage reply.


Pride comes before the fall…     The Three Little Pigs.

High up on my office wall hangs a picture of three very scruffy little piglets.  It is not a pretty picture by any means but it is a very special picture to me.  It is a reminder of my first District Patrol Leaders Expedition after becoming District Scout Leader, way back in the ‘60’s.

                After months of meticulous planning we were to spend a week in the beautiful English Lake District with all the bells and whistles of exotic activities.  As Expedition Leader I had also been voted both Casualty mover and (because of the need to man the base camp at all times,) Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.  “Base” being a brand new, state of the art, stone built, residential center for disadvantaged youth owned by the Rotary Club of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  The views across Lake Windermere were breathtaking.  The weather couldn’t have been better.  Our job was to test all the facilities before the camp opened later that summer for it’s first year of operations.  The camp was far better than any five star hotels I’ve ever been in, and the kitchen was as they say ‘to die for.’

                I had planned a menu for the 30 odd people in camp that was not only very varied but also one that would put all the equipment to the test.  Six different ways of serving Egg, Bacon pancakes and toast for breakfast.  A huge picnic Ham, Mountains of Sausages, Spare ribs, Meatballs (made from real hamburger) and spaghetti, A Loin Roast, and Butterfly Chops made up the entrée for the main meals with a medley of vegetable dishes that would do any dinner table proud.  Homemade French bread Pizza and Subs for packed lunches…  Lots of pies and fruit for desserts with real fresh dairy cream …  Ah yes… we had it all.

                The Rock-Climbing, Caving, Canoeing, Paracending, and Gliding all went without a hitch.  The sun shone every day; the accommodation was just fine.  I was ecstatic, My first Expedition and everything had gone so well, and I was a proud man.

                On the last day of the camp, at the closing ceremony, everyone had expressed the joy of attending such a perfect camp.  Then just before lowering the flag and departing for home, the picture of the three little pigs, (complete with the youthful scrawl of the patrol leaders and the adult’s signatures on the back) carefully wrapped in Gold paper and tied up with Scout Green ribbon, was presented to me.  To commemorate, they said,  “the one and hopefully – only week long camp at which they would ever be fed a very varied diet of PORK.  – Ah…  Planning at it’s finest.                   Chris Tyler.

Useless Trivia…  Building Boys and Girls is better than mending Men and Women.  (Author unknown.)


The truth about lying…          A lie is the falsely spoken word, A Fib, intended to deceive or mislead.

A lie is a lie … no matter how little or how white it may seem.

A lie is always by choice, not by accident.

                .                                                               A lie is always an attempt to deceive

                                                                                Deception is fraud, dishonest.

Evasion is the indirect method of deception


It could happen to you… “Fatal Canoe Outing.”  Early Saturday afternoon a Georgia school group sets out in Three kayaks and three canoes led by a motorized catamaran raft.  The goal, a 4.5-mile treck to Coon Island, Florida, where the group planned to camp for the night.  As forecast, the weather deteriorated, high winds from the northeast and rough seas soon became a problem and one of the canoes lagged behind and became separated from the group.  Two fourteen year old youth fought 3 – 5 foot waves as darkness fell.  The catamaran lost it power and tethered the other kayaks and canoes to the raft then lit a lantern to serve as a beacon.  One leader and another youth set out in another canoe but became disoriented, later after paddling close to the shore they got a signal on the cell phone some time between 11.00p.m.  and midnight and called the school in Georgia to get them to call the coast guard.  – Too late for the two youth, who were found dead* two days later.  The coastguard found the group tethered to the raft at 3.00a.m.  Five miles offshore Sunday.  They then found the chaperone and youth in their canoe at 4.00a.m Sunday.  The two perished youth were located at 11.40a.m.  And 12.10p.m.  Monday more than seven miles offshore and more than five miles north of Coon Island.

This story raises several questions.

1.        Were the leaders adequately trained to make the trip?  Answer – yes/maybe.  The main leader was an experienced canoeist and wilderness adventure leader but was not a certified outfitter.

2.        Was the group adequately equipped?  Answer – Yes/No. All members of the group were wearing life jackets and carried torches and whistles.  The youth were dressed in shorts and tee shirts.  They should have been wearing clothing suitable for the cold water, as low as 58° not the warmish daytime air temperature. 

3.        Why didn’t the chaperone call 911 instead of the school?  Answer, The chaperone said he “thought it prudent to let the school deal with the problem.”

4.        Did the youth carry compasses?  Answer, No, Didn’t think they would need them for so short a trip.

5.        Did the group hear the forecast of deteriorating weather?  None of the group would answer this question.

6.        Did the group carry a VHF Radio in case of emergency?  Answer – No.

7.        Did they leave a trip Plan?  Yes in Georgia, at the school.  They should also have left a copy with the local authorities, had they done so the two youth might have had a better chance at survival.  They might also have been warned about the weather forecast.

A spokesman for the fish and wildlife rescue team said, “It is not a good idea to mix canoes and kayaks.  Kayaks are faster and more stable in rough water, whenever you mix the two people are going to get spread out.  This tragedy exemplifies the importance of checking the weather with the coastguard before setting out”

*  At the time of writing - whether they died from drowning or hypothermia is yet to be established.

Maybe there are some lessons for us to learn from this tragedy.  If you, or your group, are planning a canoe trip with your youth, please be sure to discuss it with our DAC Training – Roger Nuttall, long before you discuss it with your youth and parents.  Let us not be next in line for the loss of life.


How True…              Everyone seems normal – until you get to know them.

                                                       Childhood comes with an expiration date – Make the most of it !


No matter what prescriptions are handed out, the best medicine is laughter.  A dose of it’s essential to be taken every day.


We are more curious about the meaning of dreams than about things we see when awake”      Diogenes


Good friends are like stars – You don’t always see them, but you always know they are there.


An Epitaph…   Here lies a woman, who was always tired,

                                                    She lived in a house where help wasn’t hired:

                                                    Her last words on earth were:

 “Dear friends I am going

                                                    To where there’s no cooking, or washing, or sewing,

                                                    For everything there is exact to my wishes,

                                                    For where they don’t eat there’s no washing dishes.

                                                    I’ll be where loud anthems will always be ringing,

                                                    But having no voice I’ll be quit of the singing.

                                                    Don’t mourn for now; don’t mourn for me never,

                                                    I am going to do nothing… 

….  For ever and ever.”                       Anonymous



                                “Pursuing Money beyond the point of sufficiency only degrades life.  Blessings to all”


                “The kiss of the sun for pardon…  The song of the birds for mirth… 

One is nearer to God in the garden - than anywhere else on earth.”


And finally…  Always remember “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”  Eleanor Roosevelt.