Valley Highlands Area – Scouts Canada                     November 05


Volume Two #2      Editor Scouter Chris Tyler   email 


Year of the Veteran….

It is important that we as leaders take the time to discuss the deeper meaning of this Remembrance Day with our youth that they may also appreciate the sacrifice made by our fathers and grandfathers that we may live in peace.                                                                                                                                                    

Editorial…  Welcome back all our Scouting members from last year and a very special welcome all new members.

Although most of you will have joined a Group, you are also a member of Valley Highlands Area, and Voyageur Region, and of course of Scouts Canada and the worldwide organization Scouting fraternities.  Let us all remember as we head into a new year that we are here for the benefit of the youth, we are here to give a little of ourselves so that the youth may learn and grow by our example.   Etta and I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the very best of Scouting, lots of fun and success in your all your endeavours.


Tiny Terrariums…  You may recall that in the February 05 Notes’N’News we put forward the idea of growing square tomatoes and such, well here’s the low down on bottle gardens your Beavers and Cubs can grow…  Guaranteed.

A terrarium is simply a glass container used for growing plants indoors.  Here we re-invent the concept, creating a world-within-a-world that’s both simple and sophisticated.  It’s habit of thriving on neglect makes this closed terrarium hard to kill and easy to love.  Stand or hang your terrarium in a window where it will get sun for part of the day.

Start with a quick trip to your local Dollar store and local nursery that will soon have you geared up with little in the way of expense.

You will need a clear glass or plastic bottle, with close fitting lid.  Or if your really cheap a large jam jar will do but will not look as pretty.  Some of you may want to dig out some of those clear glass ornaments off the Christmas tree and go micro Gardening, and that’s fine too.

Tools.  You will need chopsticks or long tweezers, a small amount of fine gravel as used in fish tanks.  Drinking straws or eyedropper for watering.

You will need a growing medium – Soil.  Your terrarium needs a soil mixture that holds water and air, and keeps plants firm.

Equal parts vermiculite, perlite and builders sand works best, but good quality potting soil is ok.  (Avoid potting soil with fertilizer pre mixed.)  No need to add fertilizer as this will make the garden grow too quickly overwhelming the small vessel.

Water.  To maintain a steadily moist environment, a closed terrarium requires a tight fitting lid.  Because a closed terrarium recycles its moisture it can go a month or more without watering.  It is important only to add water as needed and only at the base of each plant.  The condensation on the inside of the container will decrease when it is time to water.  Add water through a drinking straw directly at the base of the plants.  Don’t flood the globe as this will cause mold and rot, and throw your little ecosystem off balance.

Pinching.  From time to time pinch out the tops of the plants and sometimes snip back the wayward fronds.  This will help keep your plants fatter rather than taller.  Remove all debris.  When they get too big for the container scoop them out and plant in the garden.

Bedding the plants.  Make sure that when planting your plants that you do not break the tender roots.  Lay the roots flat on the gravel and spoon soil mix over the roots to completely cover them.  Don’t put too many plants close to the front of the globe.  Leave room for plants to grow yet still have room to see them.

Here is a list of plants that thrive on humidity, and have compact or spreading growth habits.  Select a variety of type and colour.

Baby’s tears – Tiny leafed spreading ground cover.

Creeping Charlie- Trailing or creeping perennial with deeply quilted pale green leaves.

Hedera helix ‘Itsy Bitsy’ miniature Ivy.  Has very tiny pointed green leaves, grows in small bushy mounds.

Creeping Fig.  Tiny crinkled green leaves with bright yellow centers.

Miniature Pilea.  Tiny dark green leaves; doesn’t need much water.  (Invasive weed: not for outdoor planting.)

Oxalis ‘Rubra.’  Has a red leaf.  (Again an invasive weed; not for outdoor planting.)

Peperomia Caperata.  With rosette of deeply corrugated, heart shaped dark green leaves; sometimes sends off spikes of tiny white flowers.

Polka-dot plant.  Pink dots cover deep green leaves; can get tall but takes well to pinching back.

Selaginella.  Tiny mosses that range from pincushion habit to arching plumes.

Sinningia Pusilla.  Micro version of gloxinia; Dark green leaves; sometimes sends off spikes of purple flowers.

Peperomia ‘minima.’  Tiny green leaves on upright, bright red stems.

Sundew.  Uses its leaves to trap moisture.  Very colourful.

Sword fern.  Densely growing miniature fern with fine lacy fronds.

Wintergreen.  Spreading ground cover with fragrant, tiny leaves.

For fun put plastic farm animals or zoo animal’s etc in the front of your terrarium.

A word about Moss.  Think twice about adding mosses (except as above) most mosses can rot turning your terrarium into a moldy, sticky, smelly mess.  If you must, then use only living sphagnum (ask Florist) or Java moss (used in fish tanks and found at Fish/Pet suppliers.)

 As with most plants, some of the above are toxic, therefore be sure youth wash hands thoroughly after handling plants.                                                                                                                                                           From Cottage Living 2004


How about a worm farm…  Worm farms are a good way to watch worms in their (almost) natural habitat.

Earthworms can be kept in a jar for a few weeks; all you have to do is provide them with fresh water and food.  Get hold of a large glass or plastic jar, a 4litre /1 gallon pickle jar from a restaurant would be perfect.  Fill the jar three quarters full with loose garden or woodland soil and sand in layers.  Do not pack it in tight.  Sprinkle lightly with water and add a few small pieces of lettuce leaf.  Keep your worm farm in a cool place such as a basement or shed away from sunlight or heat.  Now you’re ready to hunt for worms.  Worms can be found easily after rain or at night using a flashlight.  They live in cool, damp places so look under logs, at the edge of woods or dig in the garden.  Collect 4-6 worms together with a handful of soil in a yogurt cup.  Place the worms and soil in your prepared farm and leave them undisturbed for a few days to let them settle in.

Make a brown paper sleeve to fit loosely around the jar to keep out light and heat.  Replace the lettuce leaves every other day.

Now prepare for some serious worm watching.  Keep the soil moist by adding a little water from a straw.  (Dip the straw into a glass of water and put your finger over the end of the straw, this will hold the water in the straw while you move the straw to the farm jar, release the finger and the water dribbles into the jar.)  Worms will eat a variety of garden vegetables, Try celery leaves, carrot tops, cabbage, maple and birch leaves.  Be sure to remove rotting vegetation, as this will make the farm a foul mess.  When you have finished with your farm empty the jar onto the compost heap.


Or Try Natural Dying…  You will need an apron to protect your clothes.  2-3 liters of water in a large pot, a wooden spoon, and a large fruit basket of plant material.  Break up the plant material and add to the water.  Bring water to a boil and boil gently for about an hour.  With fresh water wet the T-shirt or whatever you plan to dye and add it to the pot.  Boil for half an hour more stirring occasionally with the wooden spoon.  Remove from heat and allow to cool.  Remove the T-shirt from the mix and hang up to dry outside.  Compost the boiled plants.  Here is a list of plants and the colour of the dye to expect.

Sunflower.  Soft Yellow.  Golden rod flower, beige/yellow.  Rosehips, Oatmeal.  Blue Lupin, pale green.  Oak Bark, dark brown.  Wild holly berries, pale pink.  Black walnut shells, very dark brown.  You can experiment with others but don’t mix them unless you want to make mud.  Try tie dying, to do this tie a pebble tightly into the T-shirt with string and plunge the T-shirt into the dye for a few moments, hang up to dry without untying.  When dry untie the string and you will have white rings and streaks where the tie was made.  Enjoy Fishing…?  Paint your fish with natural dye and cover with a sheet of tissue paper, patting the paper down carefully, lift off the fish and allow to dry.  Hey presto a picture of your fish to hang in your bedroom window.


Plaster Casts.  What better time to try making plaster casts of animal footprints?  They make pretty paperweights or door stops.  You will need heavy cardboard about 20cm x 5cm (8”x 2”) A paper clip or two, a margarine tub and a pack of Polyfilla. Water.  Find a footprint and make a circle from the cardboard securing it with the paper clips.  Place the circle round the footprint and press lightly into the sand or soil.  Mix the Polyfilla into a pancake consistency and pour into mould.  Allow drying for several hours.  Remove the cast from the ground and brush off any dirt.  Allow more time to dry thoroughly then paint or leave it white.  If you paint it, allow paint to dry then give it light coat of white glue to stabilize it.  No tracks handy – No excuse.  Make your own handprints, curl your fingers into a bed of sand and carefully remove.  Cast one finger at a time then the rest of the hand, paint in loud colors and white glue covering.  – Kids will enjoy this.


Make a weather rock.  Find a nice large fairly smooth rock and paint it with a face or other pattern.  When dry coat it with white glue. Place the rock in nice spot in the garden… next to the sundial would be a good place.  Now you are ready to tell the weather.  If the rock is cold to the touch, it’s cold.  If the rock is warm the temperature is warm, if the rock is covered with snow – it’s been snowing, if the rock is blowing away – watch out!


Smile a while…  Two men from out in boondocks went to the city for the first time ever and decide to go and see a John Wayne movie.  When they arrived at the cinema the film had already started, so it was quite dark.  As they made their way to their seats an usherette followed them with a flashlight.  ‘Watch-out’ said one man to the other ‘here comes a bicycle.”

A month later they again went to the cinema.  In one scene John Wayne was riding furiously towards a cliff.  “I bet you ten dollars that he falls over the cliff,” said the first man.  “Done,” says the second man.  John Wayne rides over the cliff and the second man reluctantly hands over the ten dollars.  “I feel a bit guilty about this,” said the first man.  “I’ve seen this film before”  “So have I” said the second man “But I didn’t think he’d be stupid enough to do it twice.”

On the way home that night they came upon a milestone.  The first man says, “Look, we must be in a graveyard.”  “Yes” said the other; “A chap named Miles from Toronto is buried here”  “You’re right” said the first man, “and look how old he was – a hundred and seventy five.”

The next day they went to work building a house.  “Hey’ said the first man “These nails are defective, the heads are on the wrong end.”     You fool,” Said the second man, “Those are for the other side of the house.”  Later in the day one of them fell off the roof and was splattered all over the garden.  “I bet that fall hurt,” said the second man a little later.  “Not at all” said the first; “it was the sudden stop that hurt the most”.


Computer Virus…  Thought you would want to know about this email virus.  Even the most advanced Norton or McAfee shields cannot take care of this one.  It appears to more frequently those who were born before 1950, But…

                Symptoms – 1.  You send the email twice.  2.  You send a blank email.  3.  You send an email to the wrong person.  4.  You send it back to the person who sent it to you.  5.  You hit send before you’ve finished writing an email.  6. You hit delete instead of send.  7.  You hit send when you should hit delete.  This is called the “C-Nile Virus.”



Useless Trivia…  Lights shine brightest - in the darkest corner!

                                                                                                Love is like bread….  It has to be made fresh every day.  Anon.



It could happen to you…  Don’t boil water in the Microwave… !

                I was glad to receive this email from a friend because I have often heated water in the Microwave.  You’ll be glad you read it and I hope you will pass it on to all your friends…


                “Last week my 26-year old son decided to make a cup of instant coffee.  He took a cup of water and put it into the microwave to heat it.  (Something he had done numerous times before).  I’m not sure how long he set the timer for but said he’d wanted the water to boil.  When the timer shut off the oven, he removed the cup.  He looked into the cup and realized that the water was not boiling.  Then instantly the water in the cup exploded into his face.  His whole face is blistered with 1st and 2nd degree burns which may leave scarring, He may also have lost partial sight in his left eye.”

                The Doctor at the hospital stated that “this is a fairly common occurrence.  Water should never be heated in a microwave alone.  If you must heat water in this way something - such as a wooden stir stick or a tea bag should be placed in the cup to diffuse the energy.”


                Here is what the local science master has to say on the subject…  “ It is caused by a phenomenon known as super heating.  What happens is the water heats up quicker than the vapour bubbles can form and the water does not “Boil” but continues to heat up well beyond the normal boiling point.  What then usually happens is the liquid is jarred or bumped, which is just enough of a shock to make the bubbles rapidly form and expel the very hot liquid.”  He went on to say “that the rapid formation of bubbles is also why a carbonated drink spews when opened after having been shaken.”


A Dog-eared story…  Smith, seated in a cinema, couldn’t help being aware that a man sitting in front of him had his arm around a rather large dog.  The dog was clearly taking in the picture with understanding.  He snarled at the villain, yelped happily at the funny parts and so on.  Smith leaned forward and tapped the man on the shoulder saying, “Pardon me sir, but I cannot get over your dogs behavior.”  The man turned back and said, “Frankly it surprises me too.  He hated the book!”


A Friend from Glasgow  A junior schoolteacher wrote to me the other day with a little story that you might enjoy…  A little boy came home from school sobbing bitterly.  When asked what the trouble was he complained to his mother: “Teacher asked us to put up our hands all those who wanted to go heaven.  I couldn’t put mine up as you told me to come straight home.”


Smile a while…  My grandmother was travelling with a friend and her small daughter on a crowded bus.  A rather large Nun, complete with white starched wimple, was seated next to the child who, naturally was very shy with strangers, was soon chatting away with her companion.  At the end of the journey the nun turned to the child’s mother and said; “I hope you won’t reproach your daughter for talking to a stranger but she thinks she has been talking to a penguin.”


                                A woman is like a tea bag – You never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water”


Anyone can stop a man’s life – but not his death.


Formaldehyde + Tea = Well not quite.  But people who suffer nausea or sore throats when exposed to fresh paint or glue are probably reacting to the formaldehyde many of them contain.  Relief may be available from the humble Tea Bag.  Scientists in Tokyo have found that scattering tea bags around the room can reduce levels of Formaldehyde by 60% - 90%.  They believe the tannin in the tea helps the leaves to absorb chemicals and found that black or green tea works best.         If you try this – be sure to dump the tea bags afterwards or you will suffer the symptoms anyway if the tea is brewed and served.                                                                                      New Scientist 22.7.00 p 11


Taking the Pledge…  Many years ago, just after the War, there was a children’s magazine entitled “Sunbeam” Young members of the family belonged to the “Sunbeam Club,” But before you could become a member you had to make the pledge:

                “In order to promote happiness, efficiency, and civic welfare, I sincerely promise that wherever I am:

                                I will talk health instead of sickness.

                                I will talk prosperity instead of failure

                                I will carry good news instead of bad news.

                                I will tell a cheerful tale instead of a sad tale.

                                I will mention blessings instead of burdens.

                                I will speak sunshine rather than clouds.

                                I will think cheerful things instead of gloomy things,

and my thoughts will shine on my face.

                                I will praise whenever I can those who are putting

forward honest effort to perform their tasks creditably.

                                I will always remember: a merry heart that doeth good is life’s medicine.”


                To this day I can remember standing in front of my family and making that pledge.  My Grandfather, (Who I later learned had paid the 6 pence membership fee for me) read out the words on the card, with me repeating each line, then, me, signing the card which mother sent to the magazine to obtain my membership.  Each year we received a birthday card from the club and renewed the pledge.  To the best of my knowledge I am still a member of that club and although I have not verbally reaffirmed the pledge in many years I still try to live up to its premise.  If you read it again it’s not that different to the Scout promise which I also made for the first time just a couple of years later.  I sincerely hope that Grandfather got his 6 pennyworth.  I certainly did.




And Finally….

To cut a long story short…

Eleven people were hanging on a rope under a helicopter at 2000 ft, (which had rescued them after a skiing accident) ten men and one woman.  The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that one had to leave, because otherwise they were all going to fall. 
They weren't able to name that person, until the woman gave a very touching speech.  She said that

“She would voluntarily let go of the rope, because, as a woman, she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids, or for men in general, and was used to always making sacrifices with little in return.”  As soon as she finished her speech, all the men started clapping their hands.... 

That’s all for now….  Till next time.